Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Scott's Group Project



My family and I celebrated Chinese New Year recently. We go around relatives house to exchange ang bao with one another. We also exchange oranges. We are usually very busy during the first few days of Chinese New Year as we were visiting our relatives. We were out on the whole day on the first day of Chinese New Year. It was very tiring. Seldom visit relatives house for the next few days of Chinese New Year. We always keep close contact with our relatives and invited the to our house for reunion dinner. We were always obsessed when Chinese New Year is around the corner. We sometimes do not collect much money from our relatives excluding the money from our parents. Although it is fun exchanging ang bao with one another, the money I collected is not up to my expectation. For Chinese New Year, I bought new clothes to wear on actually I wanted to buy a dog with my ang bao money but it was not enough. We shopped a week ago to buy the necessary items to decorate our house with. I felt happy when I received the ang bao but when I went home to count the total money I collected, it was so disappointing.


I got money from my parents but Jess’s father only give each family member a dollar. Jess wanted to buy a television set for Leslie’s birthday but he got not enough money but I take things for granted. Jess went to adopt a dog and gave it to Leslie but I got not enough money to buy a dog. Jess family went shopping the last minute but I went shopping a week ago. Jess family is poor but I complain with the amount of money I have. Jess family and I are obsessed when a festival is coming. Jess family rarely buy shirts for jess but I bought shirts when needed.

Tien Zhu

a) Christmas 2007
My family and I celebrated Christmas 8 days earlier. It was 17.12.2007. My family and i woke up early just to rehearse for a performance. I do not perform. I just helped them. They did a pretty good job, in my opinion. Well, because the had practised for days. Looks like their hardwork paid off. After different groups performed, we had a mini buffet. All the foods were contributed by the parents. We had a good fill. After eating, we played Gameboy Advance, Ninetendo DS, and ate lollipops. It was really a good break. Soon, we had to leave for another performance. It was for the elderly, like christmas carolling. Oh yes, it's Christmas carolling. The senior citizen complex isn't far, so we all walked there. During carolling, one of the elderlies gave one of us money. It wasn't much. Therefore, we decided to have ice-cream. I didn't ate the ice-cream, coz' I'm vegan. I distributed my share. After returning, we had a shower. It was nap time after shower. Snooze...until 4.30pm. Woke up, and had tea break. After tea break, we had rounds of 'Hangman', a game, and 'Dominos', also a game. 'Dominos', as its name suggested, was indeed the most 'domineering' game. It was difficult to prevent knocking down the pieces. Because some of us were very clumsy, the pieces kept falling. This caused us to rebuilt the pieces, and much time was wasted. But above all, we had an excellent time. There was laughter, despite having to rebuilt the pieces, satisfaction, contentment, cooperation, care. It was really a wonderful time. Unfortunately, all came to an end at 6.00pm. We all had dinner. After dinner, it was night drive at Orchard Road, and 'Snow' play at Tanglin Mall. During dinner, we had jokes, good food, laughter, bananas, and brain teasers. Another fun time. After all were ready, we departed for Orchard Road, to see all the decorations. Next, we headed to Tanglin Mall. We were still early, thus the 'snow' haven't arrive. While waiting for the 'snow', we wore our ponchos, chit-chatted. Some of us already went inside the arena, to make friends. When the 'snow' finally arrived, all were extremely excited. Its play, scream, and laughter. Soon, the 'snow' stops 'falling'. After some time, we all stopped. We threw the ponchos away, and went to change. While waiting for those peole, i bought a packet of Skittles. Honestly, it tasted too sweet, thus doesnt suit me. On the bus, i asked if anyone wanted my Skittles. A boy wanted, and i gave it to him. Again on the bus, we had 'supper', although its too early, 8.55pm. When we finally arrived at Tampines, we bade goodbye. It was a memorable, fun, and enjoyable Christmas party.

b) Compare and Contrast
1) Me: Didn't buy any present for family
Jess: Bought presents for his family

2) Me: Went out with my family
Jess: Didn't go shopping with his family.

3) Me: Didn't receive any present
Jess: Received a racing-car set for Christmas

4) Me: Didn't receive any present, and still had fun time with family
Jess: Family didn't really had a good time on Christmas. Examples like his sisters didn't receive a good present, his father wasn't satisfied with Jess' present...etc.

Maung Kyaw Lwin


I only celebrate Hari Raya with my family. Last year was very fun. I went to Myanmar to celebrate Hari Raya. I like it because i saw all of my relative and friends. We got there before a week to Hari Raya. My father was very happy to see us. My grandparents came to pick me up at the airport. When i get there my father gave me my birthday present he promise me. That was the best gift i have ever gotten. My parent told me to enjoy the holiday. It was very fun. I went to every single relative house. It still wasn't enough for me. My parent took me to Thailand for more vacation. Thailand was the place where i studied before i came to Singapore. Thailand is my second home country. I was as residence there too. I like it because i went shopping with my parent every single day. I went to my old school. I went to movies, amusement Park name Dream World. Dream World was fun. We even went to ice world. It a hall full of ice and snow. I was amused by wonders.

b) Compare and Contrast
1) Me: Didn't buy any present for family
Jess: Bought presents for his family

2) Me: Go shopping with family.
Jess: Didn't go shopping with his family.

3) Me: Did receive any present
Jess: Received a racing-car set for Christmas but not happy.

4) Me: Have a good time with my family.
Jess: Family didn't really had a good time on Christmas. Examples like his sisters didn't receive a good present, his father wasn't satisfied with Jess' present...etc.

a) Chinese New Year 2008

Chinese New Year is an special ocassion. My family and I celebrated it on the 6th of Febuary. My parents did spring cleaning for our house before we had our reunion dinner on that day and it was great ! The food prepared by my mother was so delicious. It was such a meaningful dinner we had together. On the actual day of Chinese New Year,we visited our relatives house and exchange red packets and oranges with one another. We were busy visiting our relatives the entire day. It was pretty tiring. At the end day,I had collected quite a number of red packets and counted the total amount. I was happy as it was more than what I had expected. On the second day of Chinese New Year,we went to Bangkok. It was the first time I went overseas during such an ocassion. I was very excited although it is not the first time I had been there. We had a fun and enjoyable time there shopping. Most of the food there was spicy but nice ! We went to many gaint shopping malls and famous temples. My parents then gave me an amount of money to buy the things I want. There are many beautiful handmade things and I had bought some with the given money. We also went to the beach and played by the seashore. It was so relaxing as the atmosphere there was good ! Time flies and we had to return to Singapore as I had school the next day. I could not bear to leave because we had spent many enjoyable moments together ! But I am glad that I had a chance to celebrate my New Year overseas. It was indeed a memorable and enjoyable occassion !

b) Compare and Contrast

I had the chance to celebrate such occassion with my family and even went overseas together but Jess do not have the chance to do so. Jess was always the one helping his sisters doing the chores that they were asked to but I depend on my parents to do the chores like spring cleaning as I did not helpout at all. Jess was not given extra money to shop for the things he needed whereas I got money from my parents to shop for the things I wanted. Jess likes to stay in his room for drawing and I prefer doing outdoors activities at the beach. Jess treasure the things he had but I took things for granted as I could get the things I wanted easily. But both of us are absessed when a festival or occassion was coming.


How I celebrated Christmas 2007

My family went to my aunt’s house to celebrate the greatest time of the year, Christmas! We all went there for dinner and as traditions insist, we had turkey together with a wide spread of delicacies like sushi and such. Everyone gathered at her house around 5 in the evening. We gambled a little (although it’s not supposed to be allowed!)

Some of my aunts and uncles weren’t very sociable so they just went to the living room to catch a movie. They really missed out on so much fun we had “socializing” together! Then, right after dinner we were going to do something that I had looked forward to all year round, opening my presents!

I received a very nice NIV version bible, a very unique pencil box, a Christian worship CD and a new hand phone from my parents! I really had a lot of fun celebrating Christmas last year; I can’t wait to celebrate it again this year!

How Jess celebrated Christmas with his family

Me: Didn’t buy any presents
Jess: Bought presents

Me: Went out shopping with my family
Jess: Didn’t go shopping with his family

Me: Received hand phone
Jess: Received racing - car set


How did I spent CNY with my family

I spent Chinese New Year this year differently, I didn’t spend it with my father’s uncles or aunties or even his sisters all I did was that I went to their house to receive red packets from my grandparents and I left for my grandmother’s house.

Over at my grandmother’s house, I was greeted by the marvelous amount of people my grandmother had invited! The whole house was filled with her friends, relatives and my aunts and uncles.

I went to my aunt’s house a day after visiting my grandparents and it was so fun! We gambled a little, well actually not a little but a lot!

After the celebration of Chinese New Year, I collected a fair sum of 236 dollars and I’m quite satisfied with this amount as I did not receive as much as this last year.

Compare and Contrast

Me: I celebrated Chinese New Year

Jess: Did not celebrate Chinese New Year

Me: Buy new clothes for Chinese New Year

Jess: Did not buy and new clothes